Files Structure

You can find a breakdown of the file structures for easier customization

We have used components in Laravel to organize our code more efficiently. Most of the code can be found in the components folder.

  1. All files used for frontend pages are located in the resources/views directory, resources/views/components and with some additional files in the resources/views/layouts directory, as shown in the image.

  1. All files used for backend pages are located in the resources/views directory, resources/views/components/backend and with some additional files in the resources/views/layouts directory, as shown in the image.

For styling, we can utilized Tailwind CSS which has been compiled in public/css/app.css, public/css/style.css, and some custom css which can be found in the public/css/custom.css. For custom CSS or JS, you can add your reference to it in Frontend Manager under the css and js section. example public/css/example.css or public/js/example.js

NOTE: Codecanyon support plan does not include any customization support, any modification or customization will be up to you or you can also reach out to us.

Last updated